Greenville initiates controversial pavement coating ban

Greenville, South Carolina residents have banned the use of a common pavement coating used to provide a shiny, black finish to parking lots and driveways and protect asphalt from wear, due to the fact that the substance contains a cancer-inducing and highly-toxic carcinogen.

Other cities, counties, and states across the United States have already banned coal-tar sealcoat, the toxic material.

Paving contractors use coal-tar sealcoat to keep water out of asphalt and protect them from being prematurely prone to cracks.

As uncovered by federal studies conducted on the and published in per-reviewed journals, overtime the sealcoat makes its way into waterways after wearing off from the asphalts, harming aquatic life in lakes and streams and public drinking sources in the process.

However, the product’s distributors were quick to defend it, saying the product has no direct links to causing cancer.

It is the responsibility of every manufacturer to ensure that the products they put on market are safe for public consumption and use. At the Steinberg Law Firm, our lawyers are prepared to help people in Charleston hold manufacturers who made dangerous products responsible. Call us at 843-720-2800 to discuss how we can help you.

Updated on December 12, 2013

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