Family blames childs Erb’s palsy on medical negligence

Parents have filed a lawsuit against the hospital and two doctors who delivered their son after they say doctor negligence led to their son’s Erb’s palsy. According to the lawsuit, the doctors failed to recognize the baby was experiencing shoulder dystocia.

This oversight caused the infant to become stuck behind his mother’s pubic bone, preventing him from exiting the birth canal. Hospital protocol mandates that if the obstetrician is unable to maneuver the baby out, an emergency C-section is required, the Injury Lawyer News reports.

However, the mother was not given a C-section, and instead the doctor applied traction to the infant’s head and shoulders. As a result, his brachial plexus nerves were permanently damaged, leading to Erb’s palsy. The family is seeking $50,000 in damages.

If your child suffered a birth injury that caused Erb’s palsy, contact the Erb’s palsy attorneys of the Steinberg Law Firm at 843-720-2800.

Updated on May 31, 2012

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