Steinberg Law Firm Supports Local Nursing Home Residents with Holiday Donations
Steinberg Law Firm selected Mt. Pleasant, West Ashley senior communities for holiday giving campaign featuring tablet donations, wish lists and more. This holiday season, Charleston-area elderly residents are getting to…
Announcing A Pro Bono Wills Clinic For Veterans
The many brave men and women who gave the last full measure of their devotion to our country are always in our hearts and minds. The Steinberg Law Firm extends…
Steinberg Law Firm Builds Bikes for Pedals 4 Peanuts
At the Steinberg Law Firm, we sincerely believe that every person can spark change in our community in some way. Our passion for helping and empowering people is at the…
Steinberg Law Firm Supports Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center Gala
The Steinberg Law Firm invites you to join your community for a weekend of delicious hors-d’oeuvres, refreshments, dancing, and fundraising on behalf of the Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center! Â