Steinberg Law Firm Supports Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center Gala
The Steinberg Law Firm invites you to join your community for a weekend of delicious hors-d’oeuvres, refreshments, dancing, and fundraising on behalf of the Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center!
The Scrumptious Summerville Kitchen Tour & Pinwheel Gala will begin Friday, October 5th with live entertainment, dancing, and a silent auction. On Sunday, October 7th, participants will have the chance to tour the beautiful homes and gardens of Summerville, followed by a sampling of dishes created by exceptional chefs along with craft brews and wines!
The Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center responds to the needs of abused and neglected children in the community, working to reduce trauma and provide treatment in a child-friendly setting. Children in abusive situations are loved and cared for while a multidisciplinary team cracks down on their case. Mental health services and foster care support are also provided, ensuring kids are helped in a stable, trustworthy, non-traumatic environment.
“Together we create communities in which children and families live free from abuse and are free to reach their full potential.” ~DCAC
Steinberg Law Firm’s Attorney Kelly Alfreds is a longtime supporter of the Center’s efforts and serves on their Board of Directors and Chair of the Kitchen Tour Committee. Attorney Kelly Alfreds wholeheartedly encourages the people of Summerville to attend, and with an appetite! “It’s a wonderful way to support the Center, and it’s fun!” she says. “You don’t often get to see the gorgeous homes we have in the area and the food is always delicious.”
Since 1927, our passion for helping and empowering people has been at the heart of everything we do. It’s been a joy watching the Dorchester Children’s Center grow and be recognized in the community and abroad for their dedication, competence, and compassion as we’ve supported their work.
We hope you’ll join us at the gala! There is still time to purchase tickets or become a sponsor; it’s a great way to support the DCAC and enjoy a beautiful evening (or two!) with like-minded people of the community.