People with spinal cord injuries more likely to have osteoporosis
The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation recently published a report which found that people who have spinal cord injuries are more likely to also get osteoporosis at some point in their lives.
The cause for this finding has been attributed to the permanent use of wheelchairs by spinal cord injury victims. Because people who are paralyzed or semi-paralyzed by their injury are not able to walk and move their body on their own, their bones become weak and porous. Osteoporosis in victims of spinal cord injuries is especially serious because it can cause fractions in the spine and further impairment to mobility.
The study also found that people with spinal cord injuries will be more likely to have chronic pain following their accident.
If you or someone you love has suffered a spinal cord injury, please contact the Charleston spinal injury attorneys of the Steinberg Law Firm at 843-720-2800.