Safety Tips for School Travel
The first day of school is just around the corner! Students will be out and about on their way to and from school each day. Sending your child off to…
3 Ways to Keep Bicyclists Safe on the Road
There are several key rules motorists should follow in order to ensure they share the road safely with bicyclists. For example, something as simple as checking your blind spots carefully…
Car Accidents Are More Common In The Summer: How To Stay Safe This Year
In the summer months, car accidents tend to occur more frequently. The presence of more teen drivers, road congestion, construction, alcohol impairment and excessive heat give rise to an increase…
Why You Can’t Afford a Heat Stroke
The Holy City might have its southern charm, but that charm also welcomes intense summer heat and humidity. Did you know 400 people die annually in South Carolina due to heat related illnesses? If a heat stroke is severe…
Tom’s Top Three Tips: Bike Safety
As a new blog series, we at Steinberg Law Firm want you to know us a little bit better. Each week, we will highlight a member of the Steinberg Law…
Auto Accident Attorney For Parking Lot Collisions
When you picture an auto accident you probably visualize a highway or road collision. But car wrecks can happen in private and public parking lots too. While fortunately, most parking…
Car Wrecks Involving Pedestrians
Every year, pedestrian-automobile accidents occur while people are crossing busy streets or highways, while children are walking to school or playing outside, and even while pedestrians are simply walking on…
Ladder Injuries
Worksites that require handling and climbing ladders can be especially dangerous. Ladders are not only dangerous to persons using them, they are dangerous to other people standing near them. The…
Seat Belts Save Lives
Do you buckle your seat belt every time you get in a car? If you’ve answered “maybe” or “no,” even just once, you need to read on. Recent studies show…
A Common Work Injury: Forklift Accidents
Forklifts, or powered industrial trucks, are typically used to move materials, but can be used for other purposes in the work place, too. Forklift accidents rank among the highest occurring…
South Carolina Bike Laws
Four cyclists in Spartanburg County are recovering after a hit and run on Christmas Eve. All bicyclists were thrown from their bikes during the impact. One of them requiring an…
New Year’s Eve Safety Tips
Fireworks and Alcohol Don’t Mix New Year’s celebrations are just around the corner. Although the holiday is one of the most fun and festive of the year, it is also…
Thanksgiving Home & Travel Safety Tips
Thanksgiving is almost here! Across the country, tons of people are getting ready for one of the most anticipated feasts of the year. Thanksgiving is a holiday that brings family…
Traveling During the Holidays: I was Hurt at a Resort/Hotel, Who is Responsible?
As the holidays are approaching, many people are making plans to travel to visit and spend time with family and friends. When planning a trip, there may be some concerns…
There is Now a Biological Reason Why People Shouldn't Text and Drive.
Most people communicate via text messaging more than ever before, though little is known on the neurological effects of smartphone use. To find out more about how our brains work…
Hurricane Matthew Update: Office Closing
Due to Hurricane Matthew, our office will be closing on Today at noon. We will remain closed through Friday and we plan to reopen on Monday morning. Our phone lines will remain open 24/7 at:…
Preparing For Hurricane Matthew: Safety Plans and Emergency Kits
Hurricane Matthew is a deadly Category Four Hurricane that could affect parts of South Carolina this weekend. Make sure you have a safety plan and prepare an emergency kit, just…
How Breast Cancer Affects Everyone- With a Personal Message from a Steinberg Employee
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it takes a toll on more than just their bodies. This disease affects the patient and their families, both emotionally and financially….