Upcoming Pro Bono Wills Clinic for Veterans
We are incredibly thankful to all of our veterans for their sacrifices to protect our country. Without them, we would not have the freedoms that we sometimes take for granted today. The veterans who served this country are always first and foremost on our minds and we are eternally grateful for your service.
In the spirit of giving back to the community and offering our ongoing support for those who serve and have served, the Steinberg Law Firm is once again offering a pro bono – free – wills clinic for Veterans, on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.
Protection Is Essential
After working with the Tricounty Veterans Support Network, we became aware that many of those who served our country to protect us do not have a will or any other kind of document to protect them, such as a health care power of attorney. This concerned us and we began offering pro bono wills clinics for veterans so that their wishes are expressed and that their estates and families are protected. The services we offer during this clinic are free of charge to area veterans.
On Tuesday, January 7, 2020 Attorneys Benjamin W. Akery, Esq. and Michael J. Jordan. Esq. will offer their services, free of charge, to our veterans. They will listen to veterans and their wishes and draw up wills and healthcare powers of attorney.
The Steinberg Law Firm stands behind our veterans and works hard to serve those in need of our legal assistance. The wills clinic is one of the many ways we give back to our community, our veterans and their families.
Clinic Services
Having a will in place protects your right to have your last wishes respected and honored, as a will secures your estate by passing it to others in the manner that you desire according to the letter of the law. Without documents that clearly state your intentions and desires, your estate may not transfer to those you love in the manner that you intend.
A health care power of attorney means that you can appoint someone you love and trust to assist you in making decisions about your medical care in the event that you become incapacitated and unable to express your wishes. Having such a document can bring you peace of mind when facing a stressful situation. Being prepared in advance for any situation can make life less stressful.
If you are interested in a living will, we are able to draw one up for you. It legally declares your expressed wish to not have medical staff resort to extraordinary life-sustaining protocols. It allows you to make your own, personal choice about ending your life with dignity.
To sign up for this veteran’s clinic please reach out to Yani Smith at ysmith@steinberglawfirm.com or Meredith.miller2@va.gov. You can also stop by our law offices at 118 S. Goose Creek Blvd. in Goose Creek, to add your name to the sign-up sheet.